<!-- teihdr2.dtd:  written by OddDTD 1994-09-09               -->
<!-- 5.1.1:  The TEI Header                                   -->
<!-- teihdr2.dtd  Tags for TEI Header.                        -->
<!-- Text Encoding Initiative: Guidelines for Electronic      -->
<!-- Text Encoding and Interchange. Document TEI P3, 1994.    -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 1994 ACH, ACL, ALLC. Permission to copy    -->
<!-- in any form is granted, provided this notice is          -->
<!-- included in all copies.                                  -->
<!-- These materials may not be altered; modifications to     -->
<!-- these DTDs should be performed as specified in the       -->
<!-- Guidelines in chapter "Modifying the TEI DTD."           -->
<!-- These materials subject to revision. Current versions    -->
<!-- are available from the Text Encoding Initiative.         -->
<!ENTITY % teiHeader 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %teiHeader; [
<!ELEMENT %n.teiHeader; - -  (%n.fileDesc;, (%n.encodingDesc)*, 
                             (%n.revisionDesc)?)                >
<!ATTLIST %n.teiHeader;      %a.global;
          type               CDATA               text
          creator            CDATA               #IMPLIED
          status             (new | update)      new
          date.created       CDATA               #IMPLIED
          date.updated       CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'teiHeader'    >
<!-- 5.1.1:  The TEI Header (cont'd)                          -->
<!-- 5.2:  The file description                               -->
<!ENTITY % fileDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %fileDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.fileDesc;  - -  (%n.titleStmt;, (%n.editionStmt)?, 
                             (%n.extent)?, %n.publicationStmt;, 
                             (%n.seriesStmt)?, (%n.notesStmt)?, 
                             (%n.sourceDesc)+ )                 >
<!ATTLIST %n.fileDesc;       %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'fileDesc'     >
<!-- 5.2.1:  The title statement                              -->
<!ENTITY % titleStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %titleStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.titleStmt; - o  (((%n.title)+, (%n.author; | 
                             %n.editor; | %n.sponsor; | 
                             %n.funder; | %n.principal; | 
                             %n.respStmt;)*))                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.titleStmt;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'titleStmt'    >
<!ENTITY % sponsor 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %sponsor; [
<!ELEMENT %n.sponsor;   - o  ( %phrase.seq; )                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.sponsor;        %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'sponsor'      >
<!ENTITY % funder 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %funder; [
<!ELEMENT %n.funder;    - o  ( %phrase.seq; )                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.funder;         %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'funder'       >
<!ENTITY % principal 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %principal; [
<!ELEMENT %n.principal; - o  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.principal;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'principal'    >
<!-- The TITLE, AUTHOR, NAME, RESPSTMT, and RESP elements     -->
<!-- are declared in file teicore2.dtd, not here.             -->
<!-- (end of 5.2.1)                                           -->
<!-- 5.2.2:  The edition statement                            -->
<!ENTITY % editionStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %editionStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.editionStmt; 
                        - o  ( (%n.edition;, (%n.respStmt)*) | 
                             (%n.p)+ )                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.editionStmt;    %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'editionStmt'  >
<!ENTITY % edition 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %edition; [
<!ELEMENT %n.edition;   - o  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.edition;        %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'edition'      >
<!-- (end of 5.2.2)                                           -->
<!-- 5.2.3:  The extent statement                             -->
<!ENTITY % extent 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %extent; [
<!ELEMENT %n.extent;    - o  (%phrase.seq; )                    >
<!ATTLIST %n.extent;         %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'extent'       >
<!-- (end of 5.2.3)                                           -->
<!-- 5.2.4:  The publication statement                        -->
<!ENTITY % publicationStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %publicationStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.publicationStmt; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+ | ( (%n.publisher; | 
                             %n.distributor; | %n.authority;) & 
                             ((%n.pubPlace)?, (%n.address)?, 
                             (%n.idno)*, (%n.availability)?, 
                             (%n.date)?)+ )+ )                  >
<!ATTLIST %n.publicationStmt;%a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'publicationStmt'
<!ENTITY % distributor 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %distributor; [
<!ELEMENT %n.distributor; 
                        - o  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.distributor;    %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'distributor'  >
<!ENTITY % authority 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %authority; [
<!ELEMENT %n.authority; - o  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.authority;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'authority'    >
<!ENTITY % idno 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %idno; [
<!ELEMENT %n.idno;      - o  (#PCDATA)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.idno;           %a.global;
          type               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'idno'         >
<!ENTITY % availability 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %availability; [
<!ELEMENT %n.availability; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.availability;   %a.global;
          status             (free | unknown | restricted) 
          TEIform            CDATA               'availability' >
<!-- The PUBLISHER, PUBPLACE, and ADDRESS elements are        -->
<!-- defined in file teicore2.dtd.                            -->
<!-- (end of 5.2.4)                                           -->
<!-- 5.2.5:  The series statement                             -->
<!ENTITY % seriesStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %seriesStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.seriesStmt; 
                        - O  ( (%n.title;, (%n.idno; | 
                             %n.respStmt;)*) | (%n.p)+ )        >
<!ATTLIST %n.seriesStmt;     %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'seriesStmt'   >
<!-- (end of 5.2.5)                                           -->
<!-- 5.2.6:  The notes statement                              -->
<!ENTITY % notesStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %notesStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.notesStmt; - o  ((%n.note)+)                       >
<!ATTLIST %n.notesStmt;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'notesStmt'    >
<!-- The NOTE element is defined with the core tags.          -->
<!-- (end of 5.2.6)                                           -->
<!-- (end of 5.2)                                             -->
<!-- 5.2.7:  The source description                           -->
<!ENTITY % sourceDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %sourceDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.sourceDesc; 
                        - -  (%n.p; | %n.bibl; | %n.biblFull; | 
                             %n.biblStruct; | %n.listBibl; | 
                             %n.scriptStmt; | 
                             %n.recordingStmt;)+                >
<!ATTLIST %n.sourceDesc;     %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'sourceDesc'   >
<!-- 5.2.9:  Script statement and recording statement         -->
<!ENTITY % scriptStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %scriptStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.scriptStmt; 
                        - -  ((%n.p)+ | %n.bibl; | %n.biblFull; 
                             | %n.biblStruct;)                  >
<!ATTLIST %n.scriptStmt;     %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'scriptStmt'   >
<!ENTITY % recordingStmt 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %recordingStmt; [
<!ELEMENT %n.recordingStmt; 
                        - -  ((%n.p)+ | (%n.recording)+ )       >
<!ATTLIST %n.recordingStmt;  %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'recordingStmt'>
<!ENTITY % recording 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %recording; [
<!ELEMENT %n.recording; - -  ((%n.p)+ | (%n.respStmt; | 
                             %n.equipment; | %n.broadcast; | 
                             %n.date;)*)                        >
<!ATTLIST %n.recording;      %a.global;
          type               (audio | video)     audio
          dur                CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'recording'    >
<!ENTITY % equipment 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %equipment; [
<!ELEMENT %n.equipment; - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.equipment;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'equipment'    >
<!ENTITY % broadcast 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %broadcast; [
<!ELEMENT %n.broadcast; - -  ((%n.p)+ | %n.bibl; | 
                             %n.biblStruct; | %n.biblFull; | 
                             %n.recording;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.broadcast;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'broadcast'    >
<!-- (end of 5.2.9)                                           -->
<!-- (end of 5.2.7)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3:  The encoding description                           -->
<!ENTITY % encodingDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %encodingDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.encodingDesc; 
                        - -  ((%n.projectDesc)*, 
                             (%n.tagsDecl)?, (%n.refsDecl)*, 
                             (%n.classDecl)*, (%n.metDecl)*, 
                             (%n.variantEncoding)*, (%n.p)*)    >
<!ATTLIST %n.encodingDesc;   %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'encodingDesc' >
<!-- 5.3.1:  The project description                          -->
<!ENTITY % projectDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %projectDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.projectDesc; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.projectDesc;    %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'projectDesc'  >
<!-- (end of 5.3.1)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.2:  The sampling declaration                         -->
<!ENTITY % samplingDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %samplingDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.samplingDecl; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.samplingDecl;   %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'samplingDecl' >
<!-- (end of 5.3.2)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.3:  The editorial practices declaration              -->
<!ENTITY % editorialDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %editorialDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.editorialDecl; 
                        - o  ( (%n.p)+ | ((%n.correction; | 
                             %n.normalization; | %n.quotation; 
                             | %n.hyphenation; | 
                             %n.interpretation; | 
                             %n.segmentation; | %n.stdVals;)+, 
                             (%n.p)*))                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.editorialDecl;  %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'editorialDecl'>
<!ENTITY % correction 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %correction; [
<!ELEMENT %n.correction; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.correction;     %a.global;
          status             (high | medium | low | unknown) 
          method             (silent | tags)     silent
          TEIform            CDATA               'correction'   >
<!ENTITY % normalization 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %normalization; [
<!ELEMENT %n.normalization; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.normalization;  %a.global;
          source             CDATA               #IMPLIED
          method             (silent | tags)     silent
          TEIform            CDATA               'normalization'>
<!ENTITY % quotation 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %quotation; [
<!ELEMENT %n.quotation; - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.quotation;      %a.global;
          marks              (none | some | all) all
          form               (data | rend | std | nonstd | 
                             unknown)            unknown
          TEIform            CDATA               'quotation'    >
<!ENTITY % hyphenation 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %hyphenation; [
<!ELEMENT %n.hyphenation; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.hyphenation;    %a.global;
          eol                (all | some | none) some
          TEIform            CDATA               'hyphenation'  >
<!ENTITY % segmentation 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %segmentation; [
<!ELEMENT %n.segmentation; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.segmentation;   %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'segmentation' >
<!ENTITY % stdVals 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %stdVals; [
<!ELEMENT %n.stdVals;   - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.stdVals;        %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'stdVals'      >
<!ENTITY % interpretation 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %interpretation; [
<!ELEMENT %n.interpretation; 
                        - o  ((%n.p)+)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.interpretation; %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'interpretation'
<!-- (end of 5.3.3)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.4:  Tag usage and rendition declarations             -->
<!ENTITY % tagsDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %tagsDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.tagsDecl;  - O  ((%n.rendition)*, (%n.tagUsage)*)  >
<!ATTLIST %n.tagsDecl;       %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'tagsDecl'     >
<!ENTITY % tagUsage 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %tagUsage; [
<!ELEMENT %n.tagUsage;  - O  (%paraContent)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.tagUsage;       %a.global;
          gi                 NAME                #REQUIRED
          occurs             NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          ident              NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          render             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'tagUsage'     >
<!ENTITY % rendition 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %rendition; [
<!ELEMENT %n.rendition; - O  (%paraContent)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.rendition;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'rendition'    >
<!-- (end of 5.3.4)                                           -->
<!--  The reference scheme declaration               -->
<!ENTITY % refsDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %refsDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.refsDecl;  - o  ((%n.p)+ | (%n.step)+ | 
                             (%n.state)+)                       >
<!ATTLIST %n.refsDecl;       %a.global;
          doctype            NAME                TEI.2
          TEIform            CDATA               'refsDecl'     >
<!ENTITY % step 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %step; [
<!ELEMENT %n.step;      - o  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.step;           %a.global;
          refunit            CDATA               #IMPLIED
          length             NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          delim              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          from               %extPtr             #REQUIRED
          to                 %extPtr             'DITTO'
          TEIform            CDATA               'step'         >
<!ENTITY % state 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %state; [
<!ELEMENT %n.state;     - o  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.state;          %a.global;
          ed                 CDATA               #IMPLIED
          unit               CDATA               #REQUIRED
          length             NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          delim              CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'state'        >
<!-- (end of                                         -->
<!-- 5.3.6:  The classification declaration                   -->
<!ENTITY % classDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %classDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.classDecl; - -  ((%n.taxonomy)+)                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.classDecl;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'classDecl'    >
<!ENTITY % taxonomy 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %taxonomy; [
<!ELEMENT %n.taxonomy;  - -  ((%n.category)+ | ((%n.bibl; | 
                             %n.biblStruct; | %n.biblFull;), 
                             (%n.category)*))                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.taxonomy;       %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'taxonomy'     >
<!ENTITY % category 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %category; [
<!ELEMENT %n.category;  - -  (%n.catDesc;, (%n.category)*)      >
<!ATTLIST %n.category;       %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'category'     >
<!ENTITY % catDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %catDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.catDesc;   - o  (%phrase.seq; | %n.textDesc;)      >
<!ATTLIST %n.catDesc;        %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'catDesc'      >
<!-- (end of 5.3.6)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.7:  The FSD declaration                              -->
<!ENTITY % fsdDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %fsdDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.fsdDecl;   - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.fsdDecl;        %a.global;
          type               CDATA               #REQUIRED
          fsd                ENTITY              #REQUIRED
          TEIform            CDATA               'fsdDecl'      >
<!-- (end of 5.3.7)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.8:  Metrical Notation Declaration                    -->
<!ENTITY % metDecl 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %metDecl; [
<!ELEMENT %n.metDecl;   - O  ((%component.seq) | 
                             ((%n.symbol)+))                    >
<!ATTLIST %n.metDecl;        %a.global;
          type               NAMES               "MET REAL"
          pattern            CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'metDecl'      >
<!ENTITY % symbol 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %symbol; [
<!ELEMENT %n.symbol;    - O  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.symbol;         %a.global;
          value              CDATA               #REQUIRED
          terminal           (Y | N)             Y
          TEIform            CDATA               'symbol'       >
<!-- (end of 5.3.8)                                           -->
<!-- 5.3.9:  Variant-Encoding Declaration                     -->
<!ENTITY % variantEncoding 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %variantEncoding; [
<!ELEMENT %n.variantEncoding; 
                        - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.variantEncoding;%a.global;
          method             (location-referenced | 
                             double-end-point | 
          location           (internal | external) 
          TEIform            CDATA               'variantEncoding'
<!-- (end of 5.3.9)                                           -->
<!-- (end of 5.3)                                             -->
<!-- 5.4:  The profile description                            -->
<!ENTITY % profileDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %profileDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.profileDesc; 
                        - -  ((%n.creation)?, (%n.langUsage)*, 
                             (%n.textDesc)*, (%n.particDesc)*, 
                             (%n.settingDesc)*, (%n.handList)*, 
                             (%n.textClass)*)                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.profileDesc;    %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'profileDesc'  >
<!-- 5.4.1:  Creation                                         -->
<!ENTITY % creation 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %creation; [
<!ELEMENT %n.creation;  - o  (%phrase.seq;)                     >
<!ATTLIST %n.creation;       %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'creation'     >
<!-- (end of 5.4.1)                                           -->
<!-- 5.4.2:  Language usage                                   -->
<!ENTITY % langUsage 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %langUsage; [
<!ELEMENT %n.langUsage; - o  (%n.p; | %n.language;)+            >
<!ATTLIST %n.langUsage;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'langUsage'    >
<!ENTITY % language 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %language; [
<!ELEMENT %n.language;  - o  (%phrase.seq)                      >
<!ATTLIST %n.language;       
          n                  CDATA               #IMPLIED
          lang               IDREF               %INHERITED
          rend               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          id                 ID                  #IMPLIED
          wsd                ENTITY              #IMPLIED
          usage              NUMBER              #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'language'     >
<!-- (end of 5.4.2)                                           -->
<!-- 5.4.3:  Text Classification                              -->
<!ENTITY % textClass 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %textClass; [
<!ELEMENT %n.textClass; - -  ((%n.classCode; | %n.catRef; | 
                             %n.keywords;)* )                   >
<!ATTLIST %n.textClass;      %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'textClass'    >
<!ENTITY % keywords 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %keywords; [
<!ELEMENT %n.keywords;  - o  ((%n.term)+ | %n.list;)            >
<!ATTLIST %n.keywords;       %a.global;
          scheme             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'keywords'     >
<!ENTITY % classCode 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %classCode; [
<!ELEMENT %n.classCode; - -  (%phrase.seq)                      >
<!ATTLIST %n.classCode;      %a.global;
          scheme             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'classCode'    >
<!ENTITY % catRef 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %catRef; [
<!ELEMENT %n.catRef;    - o  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.catRef;         %a.global;
          target             IDREFS              #REQUIRED
          scheme             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'catRef'       >
<!-- (end of 5.4.3)                                           -->
<!-- (end of 5.4)                                             -->
<!-- 5.5:  The Revision Description                           -->
<!ENTITY % revisionDesc 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %revisionDesc; [
<!ELEMENT %n.revisionDesc; 
                        - -  (%n.list; | (%n.change)+)          >
<!ATTLIST %n.revisionDesc;   %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'revisionDesc' >
<!ENTITY % change 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %change; [
<!ELEMENT %n.change;    - O  (%n.date;, (%n.respStmt)+, 
                             %n.item;)                          >
<!ATTLIST %n.change;         %a.global;
          TEIform            CDATA               'change'       >
<!-- respStmt, item, and date are declared in teicore2.       -->
<!-- (end of 5.5)                                             -->
<!-- (end of 5.1.1)                                           -->
<!-- (end of 5.1.1)                                           -->